Still drinking coffee at 2am, in the wee hours of January 20, 2017, rhyming verse came bubbling to the surface; nonsensical, in no way practical... just words as I tried to find solid ground, to choose surer footing to step forward.
No air
No light
Pendulum swung
Beyond Far Right
Beyond difference
Beyond the hue of skin
Beyond sex
Equality…. derailed again
People are screaming
Voices unheard
Change much needed
Vision now blurred
Doom fashions a face
Bears more than one name
Collective, defensive
This is our shame
No more a victim,
We scream, we rail
At a world, a society
Blueprinted to fail
From progress to putrid
Power gone rancid
Hope once flourishing
Now deflated and flaccid
We can give up in this moment
At this terrifying new start
Choosing to deafen
To both mind and heart
We can measure the challenge
To see just how low
Deciding from there,
How high we must go.
A small hand pointing
Turning back the clock
Must make us stop
Take inner stock
‘We hold these truths to be self evident’
THAT is the focus – all that is relevant.
~ January 20, 2017