The Wall
I felt your presence - knew you were there
Frozen, broken, could just stand and stare
I could not see you, but you could see me
Stagnant in time, yet still meant to be
Two souls dueling, yet on the same side
Invisible barrier, a painful divide
No one else sees it, only we can
Hard to explain, what we can't understand
Words of songs, waft through the air
Something familiar, in the swing of my hair
I felt you take a step, a moment in time
Thinking you could, maybe once more be mine
You hit the wall, this impenetrable glass
That taunts us with seeing, yet an immovable mass
You screamed, I heard you, it shattered my core
As you stood still and silent, right near the door
Drowning on the inside, tears flooding through
You know, you feel, and still cannot do
I wish I could blame you, even a bit
For not reconnecting, the ultimate fit
But no matter what looks, like a choice in your hand
No one can see you… not like I can.
I get it… I hate it... but know it I do
You're missing me - just as I miss you.
What seems to be simple - just make a quick call
Is once again met, by that stupid wall
I felt you, I heard you, I knew you were there
Though all you could do, was silently stare.
© Nadia Romanov 2014